Toba Batak is part of the Batak tribe, its territory covering most of North Tapanuli, Toba Samosir, Humbang Hasundutan, and Samosir regency. Music culture in Toba Batak society called Gondang.There are three meanings gondang said
1. One type of Toba Batak traditional music
2. Composition found in these types of music and 3.Drum musical instrument. There are two types of Gondang sabangunan gondang and Gondang Hasapi. Gondang sabangunan usually play outside the home (page) while gondang hasapi played in the house.Gondang sabangunan means appoint a set of traditional musical instruments that are used when dancing in a ceremony. Music from sabangunan gondang are generally played in a fast tempo.While Gondang Hasapi serves as a means to summon spirits, and as a means of communication between humans and the Creator.