Sunday, May 23, 2010

The art of Batak

Toba Batak is part of the Batak tribe, its territory covering most of North Tapanuli, Toba Samosir, Humbang Hasundutan, and Samosir regency. Music culture in Toba Batak society called Gondang.There are three meanings gondang said
1. One type of Toba Batak traditional music
2. Composition found in these types of music and 3.Drum musical instrument. There are two types of Gondang sabangunan gondang and Gondang Hasapi. Gondang sabangunan usually play outside the home (page) while gondang hasapi played in the house.Gondang sabangunan means appoint a set of traditional musical instruments that are used when dancing in a ceremony. Music from sabangunan gondang are generally played in a fast tempo.While Gondang Hasapi serves as a means to summon spirits, and as a means of communication between humans and the Creator.

Wedding Tradition

Now, I want to describe the other traditions of Batakness, that is the tradition of weddings. They have to finish some agendas before conducting the real weddings. First, Batakness called "marhatasinamot". Here, man's family have to give some money to woman's family as a symbol to ask the woman as a wife. It looks like " the man buys a woman ". Usually, a man gives money about 10 million until 20 million, but it's depends on each family, if they have enough money, they will give more. Actually, the money itself used for party necessary. The second is "Martumpol". Martumpol is engagement. After that, we called " tonggoraja ". It is a way for each family to divide some jobs in weddings later. For example, the woman from man's family have to prepare all the foods. And the last is weddings itself. Ratification of the wedding the bride and groom according to the procedures of the church (the blessing of the marriage by church officials). After the blessing of the wedding the bride and groom have done so legally as husband and wife according to the church.
That is a brief explanation about how the way for batakness to organize their weddings.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My culture

If we have to choose one of the interesting cultures in our country, I think that is a hard choosen, because we have a lot of kinds of culture in each culture, from Sabang until Merauke. One of the unique cultures in our country is Batakness tradition. Batakness known as the tribal who have strong tradition. They think that tradition has to keep everytime. I appreciate it because I am one of them. One kind of the example of Batakness tradition is Funeral Ceremony. A little bit make me confuse is in this ceremony, the family who lose their relative have to sit around him or corpse to accept the situation itself. After that, the family have to dancing and singing around the corpse. Can you imagine, when our family died, we were forced to dance and sing?? But, we can not judge it as the bad thing, because this is their culture. Actually, the purpose of this tradition is we have to be patient to accept everything that happen in our life even when we lose our close family and always be thankful.

Learning Review

Do you know about Review Essay?
This morning, I learnt about that. When I and two of my Friends made the power point of that, because we should present the material of the topic, we had to read many materials. I got confused, but my friends helped me to learnt it.
When we presented the material, I just read the point of material. Actually, I should explain it clearly for all of the friends in the classroom, but honestly, I did not really understand..^-^
After we finished present the topic, my lecturer explained again about the review essay. Finally, I could understand more about it.
One of the purpose of review essay is to critique an art work and summarize the something that has publication. In language features, review essay use attitudinal lexis and metaphorical. We can integrate the past tense or present tense.
I think the review essay is interesting to increase our written.
Enough for today..

My experience

This is my first time to fill my new blog.
I don't know, what should I have to write.
But, because I am a student, something that related to education is possible.
For example about the internet. I learn about the internet in Senior High School.
When my teacher explained the theory of internet, I got a little bit bored in the class.
I thought, many people in our country that can not use the internet well.
But, after I tried to apply the theory, internet is something interesting.

And now, I can not avoid the internet from my life.